UN demands Russia allow chronically ill political prisoner access to doctors — Novaya Gazeta Europe

UN demands Russia allow chronically ill political prisoner access to doctors

Igor Baryshnikov. Photo: OVD-Info

Igor Baryshnikov. Photo: OVD-Info

The United Nations Human Rights Committee has demanded that the Russian authorities allow political prisoner Igor Baryshnikov access to proper medical care, Russian human rights organisation OVD-Info reported on Friday.

Baryshnikov, a 65-year-old resident of Kaliningrad on the Baltic Sea, was sentenced to 7.5 years in prison in June 2023 after being convicted of spreading “false information” about the Russian army over a series of social media posts he wrote about the war in Ukraine.

On August 11, Baryshnikov’s legal team requested that the Human Rights Committee take urgent action over his failing health. During his trial, an independent expert raised concerns that Baryshnikov may have prostate cancer.

Baryshnikov’s lawyer, Maria Bontsler, argued that the refusal of the Russian authorities to grant him access to medical care and a potential cancer diagnosis is a violation of his right to be free from cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment.

“Russia is obligated to treat and preserve the life of Baryshnikov,” Bontsler said.

Diagnosed with prostatic hyperplasia before his trial, Baryshnikov has relied on a surgically inserted catheter. Despite this, the activist has been denied effective painkillers, a comprehensive cancer screening, and a procedure that would eliminate his need for a catheter.

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